Marketing internship


WO Bachelor 3, WO Pre-Master, WO Master, WO Afgestudeerd




1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Vereiste talen

Engels OF Nederlands


Analist, Business development, Consultancy, Marketing, Reclame


Consultancy, Information & Communication Technology (ICT), Media, Overig


2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6+


€ 300.00


Ingy is a fast growing and well-funded start-up developing smart lighting and building systems. We were founded 2 years ago with a mission to deliver smart building technology at a far lower cost-price by integrating all required technology in the lighting. Furthermore is Ingy globally recognized as one of the leaders the field. They use the lighting infrastructure to make buildings smart, offering solutions like: indoor navigation, asset tracking, occupancy analytics and climate monitoring.

They have a globally spread team of world-class developers for instance in London, Madrid and Melbourne, most with first degrees (Msc or Phd) from world class universities in computer science, embedded software or wireless technology.

Functie omschrijving

We are looking for the future leaders in digital marketing that combine the creative designer

skills to create content with the analytical skills to determine the right type of content that

works for us and our community of followers.

Typical research questions could include:

  • Determining the effectiveness of different content types and channel types for the Ingy community
  • How to create a content platform that generates high value content in a cost effective way (for example participating in 3rd party webinairs and podcast and reusing the content clips in an online media strategy over different channels)
  • What is the ROI of using organic versus inorganic promotion of digital content within Ingy
  • How to effectively leverage online gig platforms like upwork and fiver to generate low cost highly effective content
  • Building an integrated multi-channel digital marketing and sales funnel which enabled

real time tracking of the customers interaction

but we are open to your own research questions within the field of digital marketing.

Do you want to get your foot in the door in working in a leading-edge start-up and do you

want to experience in applying the latest thinking in digital marketing then come and join us.

Functie eisen

The last few years we have mainly grown based on worth of mouth and inbound sales calls,

but with our product now really hitting product market fit and reaching the maturity to be

scaled we would like to start growing our outbound marketing. Our first step will be to

generate engaging content aimed at growing our number of followers and keeping us top of

mind with our existing followers.

To create a robust foundation to our content strategy we are looking for 1 or 2 digital

marketing interns that can help us determine what type of content, what channels and

platforms and what combination of organic and paid for reach works best for us.


komen binnenkort
